

Me llamo Juanma Evaristo, si quieres saber más visita

2 replies on “About”

Hello Dear,

As-salamu alaykum
Hope this email meets you at your best, My name is Basmah Amira Bint Saud Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,  I have not done business in your country before and I want to invest through you as am not allowed to venture into business as a lady. After Covid-19 Pandemic am not allowed to travel outside my country.

I need your help to invest a total of USD $25.5 M deposited in a vaults with Euroclear with my names ready to  be invested.

If you are interested, kindly contact me to send all proof of funds to you for your consideration. I cannot say everything here. Kindly get back to me if you’re interested and need more details.
Reach me on or or Ahmed +1(209)2481455

Best Regards,

Basmah Amira Bint Saud Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud
Saudi Arabia

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